Your customers aren't crazy about queuing, are they? Improve their offline experience by introducing a simple, yet powerful digital queue management solution.
99.9% of compromised user accounts did not use multi-factor authentication. Do you access your company emails and documents securely? Read our expert’s blog on different options for multi-factor authentication.
În alegerea infrastructurii IT, criteriul securitate se clasează prea rar în primele 3 aspecte luate în considerare. De ce ar trebui companiile să inteleaga importanta acestuia? Citiți opinia expertului nostru.
The benefits of cloud-based solutions are known to most businesses; however, the journey to the cloud is not so obvious. We provide guidance on how to make it work.
Providing modern technology to your employees does not make them productive. Without proper adoption, users will never make the most of IT solutions. Softline’s adoption methodology helps you to leverage all the benefits Office 365 can provide.